Sunday, September 23, 2012

I have decided that writing and maintaing a blog is very difficult. I'm pretty sure a big part of this comes from 2 things: 1) I am lazy and have other things happening and 2) I don't really like putting information about me on the Internet. Buuut as this is also the easiest way to update people about my life in Ecuador, I guess I should keep doing it.

Let's see, the biggest thing since I last wrote has been my new tattoo. I got it 2 Saturdays ago, so by now it's basically healed. You can still see the red in the picture because it was taken the same day I got it. (There's no red now, don't worry.) It's the first one I've gotten that isn't covered all the time, so it's gotten questions and comments. (And yes, I can cover it if I need to, for those of you worried about it.)

Anyway, football season has started again. This means spending nights/afternoons at Finn McCool's watching the Packers and trying to explain football rules to Israel. There's another CEC teacher from Wisconsin who comes to watch the games too, so I've got another person who yells at the screen with me. :-) Next game's tomorrow, so I'll be hurrying over as soon as my students finish their tests. (Hopefully before 8 so I don't miss too much of the game which starts at 7:30.)

Let's see, what else...went to Otavalo again yesterday. Haven't been there since I went with Israel back in April or May. Anne knows of a good pie place there - I haven't found pie in Quito yet - so I had delicious apple pie for the first time in over a year. It was fun hanging out with Anne and Beto, and, for once, I didn't have to take the bus (yes!). I also went to the Panecillo for the first time in a year yesterday evening with Israel and his brother. Quito is gorgeous at night with all the lights in every direction. You can really see that it's not that wide east to west but really long north to south. And now that I know how parts of the city are laid out better, I could actually spot things.

Anyway, I think that's about all I've got. Haven't really don't a ton of exciting things - just living life and what not. The cycle ends in 2 weeks and then I'll probably head to Machala to see Iris. Perhaps I'll have some stuff to talk about then. :-)

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